Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stumptuous: Rant 73

I will always read her. Always.

I don’t give a fuck about your self-righteous ideological rage regarding the Great Corporate Conspiracy or how fitspo is ruining all our lives or how People Who Do Sport A are complete idiots compared to People Who Do Sport B.
Because truly, unless there is some very pressing and important reason to know or do a particular thing in a particular way (like maybe you are actually James Bond and it would be good to know how to fall out of a helicopter properly)…
…almost none of it really matters.
Do what is meaningful and fun and life-expanding and energy-giving to YOU.

100%, yes.

Find a job and hobbies and service work that you enjoy. Find the thing(s) that fulfills you, that challenges you, that helps you to become a better person, better able to help others around you, and encourage others to do the same. Not to do the same thing that you do, but to find their version of it.

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