Friday, January 16, 2015

Your Body Is a Miracle, and You're Missing It

I just stumbled across this blog and have fallen in LURVE. I have yet to read everything she's written, but this one is really speaking to screaming at me.

Step Away From The Mirror… Your Body Is a Miracle, and You’re Missing It

The body is, and always has been, a miracle. We follow the calls of nature to mate, we grow life inside us, we know when we need to fuel and when we need to release, we can mirror and bond with each other intuitively, and our brains can heal our bodies with placebos. We are incredible, but we forget all of that awesome stuff when we place our value and focus on our “exteriors” (aka physiques).
If I had focused on how the exterior of my favorite book looked on the shelf, I would have never gotten to dive into the world of magic and heroinism that has helped me to better understand myself and the nature of being truly alive.  
That would have been a travesty, and my life would have been far less rich.
The same can be said of our bodies. If we focus solely on how they look from the outside, we are missing out on the opportunity to love and grateful for the magic and joy of our insides. (After all, when you start a fitness routine, your physique might improve, but so too might your bone density, your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and your resting heart rate, right?)
I think appreciating your body for all of its complex internal magic and awesomeness is a great way to re-shape the dialogue you have with yourself.
Clicky to read the rest and browse through everything else:

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